1. North American Addresses
Delivery is free of charge for orders over $500 to addresses within the upper 48 states. Delivery for orders under $500 is up to $50 to cover processing, postage and packaging although some larger items under $100 may incur charges of up to $75. The total cost of delivery will be advised when your order is confirmed.
Orders are usually dispatched within three working days.
For items over $500, delivery is from our UK warehouse by UPS and usually takes 3 to 5 working days after dispatch although delivery to certain locations may take longer. Weekend deliveries are not available.
Orders for items under $500 can be placed by email to [email protected]. Payment is made via Paypal invoice. Delivery can be up to four weeks.
We are not able to accept any special instructions for delivery companies such as “leave with neighbor”.
2. Outside North America
Please contact us to confirm whether we are able to supply to the country you are in.